Published in Advertising Week The digital marketing landscape of the past 10-or-so years has largely been defined by the practice of tracking consumers’ online behavior and using that data to model future purchase intent. At sufficient scale and visibility, brands (to cite one example) can know that a certain browsing history shows a strong tendency […]
Should we politicize tragedy?
For several years, I wrote a blog called Corporate Myopia and wrote on any business or personal topic that I thought was relevant to our daily work or home lives. Eventually, I got too busy building my company and went on an extended pause. I may pick it up again some day but I took […]
Oomiji Launches New Segmentation, UX and Reporting Features for its Customer Data Platform
Published in Yahoo! Finance NEW YORK, March 23, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Oomiji, the first predictive, conversation-enabled customer data platform, announced today a suite of new features to help brands better understand and engage their customers, including enhanced content measurement, social media integration, audience segmentation and automation. “Oomiji was born out of the wine and luxury-brand […]
The Pitfalls of “Assumption-Based” Marketing
Published in Advertising Week If there’s one lesson we all should have internalized during two years of pandemic-related disruption, it’s that our past assumptions are not always a clear indicator of future conditions. Early reports of Covid’s arrival in China struck many as reminiscent of earlier health scares like Ebola or SARS, which captivated the […]
Oomiji Helps Brands “Build Their Own Walled Gardens” of Customer Data
Published in Street Fight Zero-party data, or information customers willingly provide about themselves, is gaining popularity as a way of amassing customer data at a time when privacy restrictions are making that more difficult. The platform Oomiji is betting on that trend, differentiating itself from most CDPs by helping its clients ask their customers for data (instead […]
Why are you spending so much on social media when engagement is so low?
According to Statista, 2021 will see social network spending in the U.S. rise to nearly $50 billion. Research conducted by The Content Factory indicates that “the average organization spends between $200 and $350 per day on social media marketing. This works out to be between $6,000 $10,500 per month or between $72,000 and $126,000 per […]
What consumer marketers can learn from fashion
Whether you’re selling wine and spirits, luxury products or other consumer goods, look to see what fashion marketers are doing. If looking for leading indicators to where consumer marketing is headed, pay attention to innovations in fashion marketing. It doesn’t matter if you’re selling wine and spirits, luxury products or other consumer goods. Fashion is often […]
Big Changes in Digital Marketing Are on the Way
This is the year to invest in and revise your digital marketing plan. Why? Two big changes are coming in 2022: These two changes will revolutionize how we interact with consumers over email, text and on the Internet. If you didn’t know, first take a breath. Then, download this excellent article and overview of the changes from McKinsey […]
Let’s rethink how tech can build customer relationships
Ten years ago, there were dozens of marketing automation platforms that claimed they helped you engage with your customers. Five years ago, there were hundreds. Today, there are thousands and they make some pretty fantastic claims. Here’s what some of the biggies have to say: Okay, they all have great tech tools and make things […]
Don’t segment your customers by whether they buy or not
I read an article the other day on best practices for emailing customers of wine and spirits producers. In it, I found this bit of advice, “Within your CRM, you can segment your audience by lifetime value, club members, loyal or churned customers, subscribers who haven’t made an initial purchase, or customers who haven’t purchased […]