I published a blog post titled “DTC Wine Shipments are growing at a record pace. How long will it last?” in April of 2017. In it, I wrote about the euphoria around a 17% increase for DTC shipments the previous year. Several years before the pandemic, DTC was growing rapidly and Covid-19 gave it additional […]
How smart is AI? Not smart enough.
The world is abuzz about AI and how it’s going to revolutionize our future in both good and bad ways. Hardly a day goes by when we don’t see an article in a major publication about it. Truth be told, we’ve been fascinated by it and have been looking at various AI tools to help […]
Customer Data Practices Need A New Path Forward
Published in MarTech There are two points of particular friction that currently hold back marketers wanting to strengthen customer relationships and engagement in an era of enhanced data privacy: The first is transparency. Consumers have shown repeatedly that they’re willing to share personal information in exchange for content that’s genuinely relevant to their interests. Instead […]
What My Friendship with Julia Child Taught Me about First-Person Data
Published in Advertising Week With cookies and third-party tracking soon to come to an end, it’s time we take a look at how we can gather zero and first-party data directly from the customer. I had the good fortune to know one of the best collectors of data directly from the consumer’s mouth — the […]
Why are you spending so much on social media when engagement is so low?
According to Statista, 2021 will see social network spending in the U.S. rise to nearly $50 billion. Research conducted by The Content Factory indicates that “the average organization spends between $200 and $350 per day on social media marketing. This works out to be between $6,000 $10,500 per month or between $72,000 and $126,000 per […]
Big Changes in Digital Marketing Are on the Way
This is the year to invest in and revise your digital marketing plan. Why? Two big changes are coming in 2022: These two changes will revolutionize how we interact with consumers over email, text and on the Internet. If you didn’t know, first take a breath. Then, download this excellent article and overview of the changes from McKinsey […]
Is your customer data just a rearview mirror?
Over the past five years, the amount of data being acquired by marketers has risen steadily but here are three key questions: If you’re like most companies, you’ve acquired information on where your customers live, their gender, age and transactional history with your company. If you’re using a email marketing platform, you may also know […]
Time to toss the 4 P’s and reinvent the 4 C’s?
The 4 P’s of marketing (Product, Price, Place and Promotion) still get bandied about in business speak but have their roots to a time when marketers thought of consumers as shoppers who would follow their orders when presenting a product at a reasonable price, putting it in the right place and telling them where it […]
Responses to open-ended questions provide leading indicators to the future of work
On August 13th, we held a webinar for 99 participants from the wine industry. We presented findings from two surveys that we conducted overlaid on top of data from three other sources. Included were: Our two surveys were conducted over a six-week period from late March to early May. Our data led us to some conclusions […]
500+ business execs see dramatic changes for the future of work and events
“The pandemic will accelerate the demise of trade shows.”“Business no longer requires the physical presence of the two parties.”“Medical passports will be required to attend large events.”“Globalization will stall.” 530 senior business executives expressed their opinions and predictions on the future of events and work in a survey conducted by Oomiji, an intelligent marketing platform […]