Trust-Based Marketing in the AI Era In April 2021, McKinsey & Company published “The Demise of Third-Party Cookies and Identifiers,” an article that highlighted the fundamental changes facing the digital marketing industry due to increasing data privacy regulations. The report warned that the loss of third-party data would significantly impact advertisers, brands, and data platforms, […]
Isn’t it time that we considered a future that didn’t involve companies spying on us?
The headline to this article is the last sentence in a NY Times opinion article published today and it resonated with me because it’s one of the primary reasons we created our marketing platform, Oomiji. Most of us know that cookies and third-party tracking are coming to an end, but that will not stop the […]
Change is upon us
A worrisome report from McKinsey projects that publishers stand to lose up to $10 billion in annual digital advertising revenue with the demise of the third-party tracking cookie and its ability to optimize targeting and revenue return. Many publishers are actively planning for reduced editorial headcount. In addition to chaotic conditions brought about by macro-level […]
Responses to open-ended questions provide leading indicators to the future of work
On August 13th, we held a webinar for 99 participants from the wine industry. We presented findings from two surveys that we conducted overlaid on top of data from three other sources. Included were: Our two surveys were conducted over a six-week period from late March to early May. Our data led us to some conclusions […]
If you’re hanging on until there’s a full reopening, you’re falling behind
It’s tempting to think that a vaccine or herd immunity will soon come along and things will return to normal. We don’t have to look too far back to see that what we most recently thought of as normal changed us forever. We felt less secure after 9/11 and began to place more emphasis on […]
How to promote wine during the pandemic
I was talking to an exec from one of the largest wine importers in the country the other day about how the pandemic has thrown the wine industry off its game. There are more sommeliers out of work now than there are staffing restaurants. Most wine retail takes place at curbside pickup or delivery. Tasting […]
500+ business execs see dramatic changes for the future of work and events
“The pandemic will accelerate the demise of trade shows.”“Business no longer requires the physical presence of the two parties.”“Medical passports will be required to attend large events.”“Globalization will stall.” 530 senior business executives expressed their opinions and predictions on the future of events and work in a survey conducted by Oomiji, an intelligent marketing platform […]