According to Statista, 2021 will see social network spending in the U.S. rise to nearly $50 billion. Research conducted by The Content Factory indicates that “the average organization spends between $200 and $350 per day on social media marketing. This works out to be between $6,000 $10,500 per month or between $72,000 and $126,000 per […]
Big Changes in Digital Marketing Are on the Way
This is the year to invest in and revise your digital marketing plan. Why? Two big changes are coming in 2022: These two changes will revolutionize how we interact with consumers over email, text and on the Internet. If you didn’t know, first take a breath. Then, download this excellent article and overview of the changes from McKinsey […]
Let’s rethink how tech can build customer relationships
Ten years ago, there were dozens of marketing automation platforms that claimed they helped you engage with your customers. Five years ago, there were hundreds. Today, there are thousands and they make some pretty fantastic claims. Here’s what some of the biggies have to say: Okay, they all have great tech tools and make things […]
Is Ethical Data Possible?
If you haven’t watched The Social Dilemma on Netflix yet, put it on your list. It will get you to think about the role of data in society and may cause you to take steps like stop or cut back on using social media, clear your tracking data, cookies and use more private browsers. For as many […]
If you’re hanging on until there’s a full reopening, you’re falling behind
It’s tempting to think that a vaccine or herd immunity will soon come along and things will return to normal. We don’t have to look too far back to see that what we most recently thought of as normal changed us forever. We felt less secure after 9/11 and began to place more emphasis on […]
How to promote wine during the pandemic
I was talking to an exec from one of the largest wine importers in the country the other day about how the pandemic has thrown the wine industry off its game. There are more sommeliers out of work now than there are staffing restaurants. Most wine retail takes place at curbside pickup or delivery. Tasting […]
500+ business execs see dramatic changes for the future of work and events
“The pandemic will accelerate the demise of trade shows.”“Business no longer requires the physical presence of the two parties.”“Medical passports will be required to attend large events.”“Globalization will stall.” 530 senior business executives expressed their opinions and predictions on the future of events and work in a survey conducted by Oomiji, an intelligent marketing platform […]
What digital actions should marketers be taking now?
Oomiji provides an intelligent platform for brands to make personal connections with their customers. Now is the time for brands to install best practices into their digital marketing programs. Ill-advised or not, the opening of America has begun. We won’t know for weeks, perhaps months, whether it was the right, or a tragic decision. Now, as […]
Are you asking the right questions about social media?
When we ask marketing executives what changes they’re making over the next year, we often hear they’re going to increase their investment in social media. It has almost become a knee-jerk response that reminds us of when companies were rushing to put themselves on the Internet without thinking how their customers will interact with their […]
If market research is giving you customer insights, where are your customers?
Market research has a problem. It can’t, by itself, acquire, engage or retain a customer. That sounds obvious but it’s a real problem because without the ability to build business, research loses influence and utility within a company’s structure. In fact, it’s often one of the first cuts that is made to marcom budgets. The […]