Whether you’re selling wine and spirits, luxury products or other consumer goods, look to see what fashion marketers are doing. If looking for leading indicators to where consumer marketing is headed, pay attention to innovations in fashion marketing. It doesn’t matter if you’re selling wine and spirits, luxury products or other consumer goods. Fashion is often […]
Big Changes in Digital Marketing Are on the Way
This is the year to invest in and revise your digital marketing plan. Why? Two big changes are coming in 2022: These two changes will revolutionize how we interact with consumers over email, text and on the Internet. If you didn’t know, first take a breath. Then, download this excellent article and overview of the changes from McKinsey […]
Don’t segment your customers by whether they buy or not
I read an article the other day on best practices for emailing customers of wine and spirits producers. In it, I found this bit of advice, “Within your CRM, you can segment your audience by lifetime value, club members, loyal or churned customers, subscribers who haven’t made an initial purchase, or customers who haven’t purchased […]
This year, you may ruin your database – or you could make it a lot better
Here’s how: In 2020, I learned that I’m on a lot of email lists, more than I ever imagined. In 2019, I received an average of 300 emails a day. That went up to 500+ in 2020. In a way I’m not surprised. My company, Oomiji, sends out a lot of email newsletters and promotions for […]
What digital actions should marketers be taking now?
Oomiji provides an intelligent platform for brands to make personal connections with their customers. Now is the time for brands to install best practices into their digital marketing programs. Ill-advised or not, the opening of America has begun. We won’t know for weeks, perhaps months, whether it was the right, or a tragic decision. Now, as […]
EU wineries will be making a mistake if they leave the U.S. market
How’s your Spanish? The headline of the article above in the Spanish business paper, El Economista from the other day reads: “Spanish wine sinks in the US due to tariffs and wineries are already preparing for withdrawal from the market”. The article goes on to say that many Spanish wineries are considering leaving the U.S. market altogether. The same […]
If market research is giving you customer insights, where are your customers?
Market research has a problem. It can’t, by itself, acquire, engage or retain a customer. That sounds obvious but it’s a real problem because without the ability to build business, research loses influence and utility within a company’s structure. In fact, it’s often one of the first cuts that is made to marcom budgets. The […]
Rethinking Big Data To Understand Your Audience Better
There is real pressure to invest in big data to stay competitive, but businesses often end up collecting as much data as possible without deriving valuable insights. Huge databases aren’t practical or cost-effective. Instead, you can benefit from rethinking your approach to big data and focusing on qualitative data. There is a real push to […]
Solving the challenge of marketing foreign wine in the U.S.
(I wrote this with the upcoming VinExpoNY in mind but since it applies to so many industries, I decided to post it here.) With VinExpoNY fast approaching, I’ve been thinking about the challenges in front of thousands of foreign wine producers who are trying to develop and cultivate a market in the U.S. While the challenges […]
New partnership offers an innovative solution to customer engagement
Tempesta Media, a content creation and micro-influencer marketing technology platform, has announced its partnership with Oomiji, a world-class customer relationship management solution. Tempesta Media and Oomiji, a company that makes 1:1 marketing a reality, have come together to solve the challenge of personalized marketing. “Content marketing works best when highly relevant content is targeted to the […]